Saturday, November 18, 2017

Daily Food Post #3: Roots

I watched a short film on National Geographic- Scent of Geranium. It's about an Iranian girl who moves from Iran to America, and she talks about homesickness, and her struggle while being an immigrant in a brand new land. She remembers her mother's words: It takes time for damaged roots to settle into new soil..... and then over time, the plant establishes itself and grows and thrives and flowers. Fair enough, I thought. At the end of it, I felt mildly amused at myself. I realized that I still possess damaged roots! It will be twenty years in December this year since I was "uprooted" from the land where I was born. I think that I have managed to establish, grow and thrive, and flower in this "new" land..... and yet, somehow, the roots are a bit damaged. I have a home here, and yet, I miss being there. I have loved ones here, and I miss my loved ones there. All in all, it's quite a torn kinda situation.

I forwarded the link to the short film to my dear friend, Lara. She responded, and I quote: 

"Yes. Although, as a plant person, it's good to have damaged roots a bit. That's the point where growth happens most, and it anchors you strongly. When we transplant from containers, we scarify and loosen the roots at the bottom, so that they spread and settle in the soil. If we don't do that, the root(s) keep circling around itself (themselves) in the original container shape. Especially in trees- they can choke." 

I read and re-read, and realized the profundity of these words. Thanks, Lara!! I feel fortunate to have a friend like you!

So there, that's my food post for today- it's food for thought. :)

Here's that 4 minute short film: Scent of Geranium

Bee and Flower

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